How To control Pond Algae in your fish pond
There are various methods of controlling the build up of algae bloom, some more permanent than others. Such methods include the use of aquatic pond plants, using shade, and in my opinion the best method, the use of a UV Sterilizer, also known as a UV clarifier.
If you want a crystal clear pond, and who doesn't? Then the ultimate solution which works 100% of the time if the UV unit is correctly sized is to incorporate an UV clarifier (ultra violet light clarifier) into the pond water circulating system.
UV lights offer a permanent solution for eliminating green water. Using chemicals causes fluctuations in the pond environment and offers only a temporary solution. UV lights are also less time consuming and need very little attention. Chemicals on the other hand require constant attention to ensure they're effective.
Approximate dimension of units:
- 8 Watt : 340mm x 90mm diameter chamber 50mm union in/outlet for 6000L pond
- 15 Watt : 470mm x 90mm diameter chamber 50mm union in/outlet for 12000L pond
- 30 Watt : 940mm x 90mm diameter chamber 50mm union in/outlet for 30000L pond
- 55 Watt : 940mm x 90mm diameter chamber 50mm union in/outlet for 50000L pond
How To control Pond Algae in your fish pond
There are various methods of controlling the build up of algae bloom, some more permanent than others. Such methods include the use of aquatic pond plants, using shade, using and in our opinion the best method, the use of a UV Sterilizer, also known as a UV clarifier or simply as a UVC.
Recommended maintenance:
- Remove and wipe UV clarifier globes clean whenever water quality deteriorates
- Replace globes every 9 to 12 months to ensure optimal performance
Carry-in warranty
7 Day working-warranty on globe and 1 Year on other parts