Novalac AR 800g 0-12 Months
Are you worried about your baby’s unpleasant spitting up?
Most babies tend to spit up after every feed. This is due to the immaturity of the lower esophageal sphincter that allows stomach content to return up to the esophagus and out of the mouth. It is certainly smelly and unpredictable, but still very normal!
If reflux does not cause discomfort or pain to your baby, simple acts can help him/her to spit up less:
- Hold your baby gently and burp him/her often.
- Keep your baby upright for at least 30 minutes after a feed.
- Don’t feed too much, smaller and more frequent feedings are easier to digest. If you are bottle feeding, make sure that the nipple whole isn’t too large.
- Avoid tight diapers and elastic waistbands
- Don’t hesitate to consult your healthcare professional if your baby spits up frequently, as untreated reflux may lead to further complications. Your doctor might consider a special formula that reduces the return of stomach content to the mouth.
Novalac adapted solution for infants with gastroesophageal reflux (GER):
Novalac AR 1: from birth to 6 months
Novalac AR 2: from 6 months to 1 year
Novalac AR is a pre-thickened formula specially designed to manage reflux:
- Novalac AR contains a special form of corn starch that thickens once it reaches your baby’s stomach. This thickening in the stomach helps to prevent the return of stomach content to the mouth.
- Novalac AR is easy to drink as it does not get thick in the feeding bottle.
- Novalac AR is nutritionally complete, thus, can replace a regular formula and ensure optimal growth.