"Most loose nails (a nail separated from the nail bed) are not fungal-infected, while most fungal infected nails are loose. (Only a laboratory test can tell the difference.) Both conditions, however, cause much similar damage to nails; damage that is unsightly, and the only way to repair it is by natural regrowth. Fix-4-Nails® creates the ideal under-nail conditions to make this possible. It effectively: - soften the accumulated keratin under the loose nail plate and with it the nail bed (keratolytic action), making the nail bed soft and flexible, while simultaneously - inhibiting any fungus, if present, to the point of its eradication from under the loose nail. These conditions are essential for the regrowth of a healthy new nail. Fix-4-Nails® (being fungistatic), is not registered as a medicine and is marketed as a fungus inhibitor or fungus-antiseptic aiding in the body’s natural restoration through the regrowth of loose nails and/or nails damaged by a fungus. Fix-4-Nails® is a unique formula and has been well-proven over many decades. How to use it: 1. For best results, apply one drop of Fix-4-Nails® under the nail every morning and evening. 2. Do not try to remove the now soft keratin from under the nail. This forces the nail plate away from the nail bed, restricting the growth process. 3. Be patient as the nail regrows. (The speed at which the nail grows influence recovery time) If more than two nails are damaged, we recommend trying it on two of the smaller nails first (for a few weeks). Results are visible in four weeks. Taking a photograph to compare before and after six weeks of application. One 30ml bottle will be enough to see results and to treat two nails for 2 to 3 months. "