Lizzard Koppie 200ml
Lizzard’s double-walled, vacuum-sealed, stainless steel cups are designed to be portable, durable and convenient. They’re made of 18/8 stainless steel – the highest quality steel used for food preparation, giving the cup a lifetime of durability. The double walled design keeps drinks ice cold or steaming hot from the first sip to the last, while keeping your hands dry and free of frostbite or being burnt. The powder coated finish provides a sure grip even when your hands are sweaty. The twist on flip lid prevents spills and allows for easy drinking. Opt for one of these eco-friendly cups where function meets fashion, and eliminate the need for single use containers. The engraving machine does have a 10% - 15% variation on engraving
- 200 ML
- Ceramic coating
- Twist on flip lid
- Lead Free
- Made with high grade 18/8 Stainless Steel
- Double-walled, vacuum insulated