Battling the Green Pool Monster? We’ve Got You Covered! - Shopping4Africa

With all the rain we’ve had recently—plus the occasional lightning and those intense heatwaves—our swimming pools have been going through some serious mood swings. One day they’re crystal clear, the next they’ve transformed into wild, green creatures with minds of their own (don’t worry, it’s not AI taking over... yet, LOL).

To help you get your pool back in shape, we’re sharing expert advice from Africhem on how to tackle this all-too-common issue.

For those of you who love geeking out over pool care (or just want to keep your “crazy” pool under control), we’ve also included a link to the Africhem website at the bottom of this blog.

Africhem is proudly owned by Fluidra Waterlinx, the powerhouse that enables Shopping4Africa to bring you the full Africhem range—along with fantastic deals and promotions that we’re excited to pass on to you!


"Green pool water is often caused by the presence of algae in your pool. Algae blooms can appear when your pool has a low Free Chlorine level. Without the use of a preventative algaecide, exposure to high temperatures, heavy rain, or poor circulation increases your risk of developing pool algae. Pool algae can be difficult to control if proper treatment and prevention measures are not taken. Follow these steps to treat and prevent green pool water.

Here are the basic steps to follow to get your pool sparkling blue: 

Step 1: Test and balance your pool water
Always start by testing the water in your pool. Your test results will indicate whether or not your water parameters are balanced. Keep a close eye on your Free Chlorine level. A lack of free chlorine can turn your pool water green. Always keep Free Chlorine between 1 and 4 ppm. Apply the appropriate chlorine and sanitizers as needed to restore adequate sanitizer levels.

Step 2: Clean your Pool water and surface
Skim the water’s surface to remove any visible debris, then brush the walls, vacuum, and empty the skimmer baskets. Pay special attention to areas with visible dirt and little or no circulation. Regular pool cleaning is an effective way to prevent algae growth.

Step 3: Apply a Shock Treatment

Applying pool shock is the first step toward crystal clear water. Shocking your pool water removes contaminants that may cause algae growth and improves water filtration.

Step 4: Apply an Algaecide

Algaecides are used to treat and prevent pool algae, but not all algaecides are the same. When treating green pool water, use an algaecide that kills green pool algae. Some dead algae may remain in your pool after treatment. Brush the surfaces of your pool on a regular basis.

Step 5: Clean the filter

Backwash or chemically clean your filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions to remove organic and mineral buildup. Allow your pump and filter to run continuously for 24 hours so that the entire liters of your pool water can pass through your clean filter.

Weekly testing and balancing of pool water are recommended for best results. If your green pool water persists, please contact Africhem for further assistance."

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